Meet me… Melissa aka Mel, your Functional Medicine Practitioner.

With a combined 30 years in healthcare, nursing and coaching, I’ll partner with you on your journey into thriving and feeling your best self. When I’m not helping patients as a “medical detective”, you can find me in nature hiking and doing photography, spending time with my family (furry ones included), and traveling.

I’ve chose a more natural approach to my health for myself and family, as I’ve witnessed the many drawbacks to conventional medicine. It can be an impersonal system of disease management, rather than prevention. I struggled myself with migraines and histamine intolerance for years, being given prescriptions for symptoms, but no answer to the root cause. Thus, I took the functional approach and learned what, why, and how to heal so I no longer have to suffer! You can find there is a pill for everything, and while persons may be living longer, are they really living better? 

Understanding functional medicine and healing myself, I became passionate about helping others get to their root cause. It’s time to be and feel your best self, solving symptoms and moving into a thriving, healthier life.


In Functional Medicine,  we seek to answer the question, “Why are you ill?” so you can receive personalized, effective planning and care for your needs. We spend time listening to you and gathering all your medical history and symptoms, focusing on you as a whole addressing stress, sleep, exercise, mental health and nutrition. We scrutinize lab results through a unique lens, identifying dysfunction that may not be apparent within the standard pathological lab ranges.

Just as a glucose level one point shy of the diabetic diagnosis doesn’t absolve one of the underlying disease process, “normal” lab results can be misleading. Functional Medicine teaches us that disease is a journey, and the earlier we can identify someone’s progression on this path, the sooner we can intervene. 

Our lab testing takes a deeper dive into your health by observing the current state of your body through your digestive system, metabolism, hormones, immune system, genetics, and more. It provides data you won't normally find with conventional medicine. 

We use pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements that are backed by science and tested for quality, purity, and safety. Pure, potent ingredients.  Supplements you can trust. 

Functional Medicine offers you personalized care and empowers you to take an active role in your own health. We will go after root causes of your symptoms and address them with nutrition, lifestyle changes, and treatments that enhance your body’s physiology. 

Functional Medicine Practitioner, Board Certified Master Wellness Coach